Magical Madrigals
Photo by Ryan North
The Madrigals after a performance.
The Madrigals are truly magical!
In order to become a Madrigal, you have to try out for the group. Tryouts happen at the end of every school year. They are done in two parts, a solo audition with Ryan North, the teacher over Madrigals, and then a group audition. The one-on-one audition is brief and consists of a solo and vocalizing. The group audition tests their ability to learn songs quickly and hold their vocal parts well.
They have a class period dedicated to using and improving their voices. In addition, they take an acapella class every other day which also takes up a class period. This is so they can use their voices everyday.
In total this year, there are thirty-three people in the group: seventeen girls and sixteen boys. They’ve had as little as twenty-two members and as many as thirty-four members in past years. Each member is expected to memorize their assigned part. In some of their performances, they incorporate choreography that they are expected to do while singing. They perform frequently throughout the school year at assemblies, graduation, sporting events, and at Bingham’s middle and elementary feeder schools. Madrigals also perform for retirement homes and other community events. “Madrigals are expected to perform at the highest standards of musical excellence.” said North.
Since North began teaching the Madrigals, they’ve earned the highest possible rating every year at both region and state choir festivals. One of the members, Melody Cederlof, said “I love being able to perform in a more advanced choir that can really improve my singing and that I’ve been able to become super close super fast with people who have the same passion for singing as I do!” You can see the Madrigals perform at the quarterly choir concerts in the auditorium.

I am a senior and enjoy hanging with friends, listening to music, and working at Dutch Bros!