After serious consideration, the staff of The Prospector has decided to publish half online and half in print. Print journalism is rapidly dying out, and we need to keep up with the times. Although print newspapers are fading away, journalism is not. News industries are simply adapting to an increasingly changing world based on technology.
Lifestyles, customs, and patterns change over time, but there has never been a period in human history where everything has evolved so rapidly. For good or for bad, everything must adapt. In order to survive, all things must adjust and change. We are not treading on new ground, however.
The New York Times, The Deseret News and The Salt Lake Tribune all publish at least partially online. Even Brigham Young University’s The Universe publishes online and prints once a week. The Prospector has simply decided to take a step forward with the best of America’s news organizations and adapt to a changing world. Please take the time to browse through our online version, and enjoy journalism in a digital world!