Club Overview
Cupcakes, Suicide Prevention, and Video Games
Photo by Pixabay
Bingham High School is a melting pot of diversity, and its clubs reflect that. Anyone can find something that fuels their devotions: from cupcakes to battle games, Bingham High has something for everyone.
Cupcakes. Everyone loves them: the perfect ratio of cake to frosting is not only delicious and you can learn this technique at the Cupcake Club. At this club, you learn about cooking, baking, frosting and decorating delicious cupcakes.
In this organization, you also give back to the community by doing a service project in which you make cupcakes for the Assisted Living Center. The head of this club is Kaylan Christensen, a junior at Bingham High school.
The club is open to anyone, even if you know nothing about baking. That’s what this organization is here for, to inspire people to get involved with food. Christensen said, “The goal of Cupcake Club is to get people to know that not everything in school should be academic based, it can be fun.” If you are interested in the cupcake club Mrs. Woodward, the Foods teacher has information and applications for anyone longing for cupcakes.
Hope Squad is always lending a helping hand, a hug, and advice for a time in need. Brady Genessy, a senior here at Bingham is one of the three lead members of this club. Genessy said that “[Members of Hope Squad] are all selfless and nice,” so don’t be afraid to reach out if you need assistance or aid in anything. Genessy said, “we’re here to help.”
This club reaches out to anyone who needs assistance. If you want to be a Hope Squad member you have to be inducted by fellow classmates but anyone is free to participate in activities like Hope Week, the Hope Walk, and other activities geared towards suicide prevention. Libby Spicker, a counselor at Bingham sponsors, this club, and you can learn more about this by talking to Ms. Spicker or going to the Hope Squad Assembly coming up this year.
Everyone is different in their own way, and Gay-Straight Alliance or GSA acknowledges that. Everybody’s individuality and contrasting characteristics are what makes life interesting. Faith Zitting, a senior at Bingham, founded this club to provide acceptance towards everyone from all walks of life. Zitting said,t “This is a safe place, open to anyone where we can come together and make friends.”
This club provides resources for the LGBTQIA community and creates a bond and association among all differences. Zitting said “allies are welcome” because there is always a need for more support and friends. GSA is aimed towards providing a safe haven at Bingham, where everyone is included and feels welcome. The club is supported by Ms. Bridge, a teacher at Bingham. If you are interested in GSA, talk to Faith or Ms. Bridge. This club meets every other Friday.
Are you a fan of video games? If so, then the Battlegame Club is for you. Mike Simek, a senior at Bingham runs this club in an effort to play games and meet new people who like the same things he does. In this club, you play games from Smash Bros, Mario 64, Mario Party and so many other cool games. You even have the opportunity to play on consoles like the GameCube and the Wii.
Gamers in the club can participate in Smash Tournaments and even view tournaments played by professionals. Simek said that they “have a close friend group” and anyone is welcome and encouraged to join. This club is also run by Ms. Bridge. If you are interested, the Battlegame Club meets in the lunch room every Friday.
There is always something to love and bond over with each other and clubs provide this experience. At Bingham there are opportunities for anyone, so feel free to meet new people and try something new. That’s why we have clubs, to provide a space for anyone who has similar interests or passions.

Maddy is so excited to be on Bingham High Prospector this year! In her free time, you can find Maddy...