News Flash
Photo by geralt
The world is constantly changing, and new things are always happening. These next few events are some of the things you need to be aware of right now.
Medicaid Requirements: The Trump administration has passed rules that would allow Medicaid insurance to compel people to work for their coverage if they don’t have a job, aren’t a student or caregiver or don’t participate in some other form of service. The Salt Lake Tribune said that it was “…an idea that some states had broached over the past several years but that the Obama administration had consistently rebuffed.” Multiple states are beginning the process of requiring able-bodied adults to do some form of work to qualify for Medicaid insurance.
Oprah 2020: At the 2018 Golden Globes, Oprah Winfrey was honored with the Cecil B. DeMill Lifetime Achievement Award. During her speech, she focused on making the world a place where in her own words: “nobody has to say ‘Me Too’ again.”. The speech sparked rumors in Democratic circles of a presidential run in 2020. Oprah has not committed to anything yet, but some people close to her have said that she is interested in running.
Cliven Bundy Released: Cliven Bundy, the man who organized a standoff with the federal government over the use of federal lands, has been released from prison on a technicality. The judge said that the prosecution had allowed for “flagrant misconduct” and “substantial prejudice” to make a just ruling impossible.
Hatch Out, Romney In: Utah Senator Orrin Hatch has announced that he won’t be running for reelection in 2018. The 83-year-old has been the top Republican in the Senate since 2015 but has decided to spend more time with his family. With the seat open, many in Utah are looking to 2012 Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney to run. Romney has seemed interested, and with his overwhelming popularity in Utah, his election is practically assured.
Trump’s ‘Racist Slur’: In a private meeting with lawmakers, President Donald Trump was reported to have referred to some nations through racial slurs. The president has denied using such language, but others in the meeting, including Dem. Senator Dick Durbin said that he used racist language to refer to the island of Haiti, as well as some African nations. Outrage over the alleged comment has become widespread, with many political figures calling the president out for his remarks. “I cannot believe that in the history of the White House, in that Oval Office, any president has ever spoken the words that I personally heard our president speak yesterday,” said Senator Durbin.
Herriman Shooter: After a tense five-day manhunt, Justin G. Llewelyn, the shooter who sparked a lockdown in Herriman on January 23, was arrested and charged. The 33-year-old was caught during a chase with law enforcement between Provo and Spanish Fork and is being charged with crimes he committed previous to the January shooting.

Konnor Woodburn is a senior and a third-year staff member of the newspaper. He is a madrigal and loves...