War Causes Gas Prices To Rise
Photo by LOUAI-BARAKAT/SIPA/REX/Shutterstock
Building destroyed by Russian forces in Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
The war in Ukraine has been going on since February 24 and it has affected the entire world. One way that has hit home for many Utahns is the rising gas prices.
On March 8, President Biden banned the imports of oil from Russia to cut off their war funds and deter the war without actively fighting them. This ban, along with bans from countries around the world, has deprived Russia of billions of dollars, but it also affected us. In Utah, gas prices have reached the highest they have ever been at $4.35 and are going up almost every other week. Not only is Utah affected, but all of America is. Gas prices have risen in every state. In Salinas, California, gas is at $11.75 a gallon for gas which is the highest recorded price in the U.S.
Kevin Moritz, a social studies teacher at Bingham High School, gave his ideas to solve this issue. Moritz states, “We need to start switching over more to electric, solar, and biomass vehicles. Tax breaks for gas companies to start investing in alternative forms of energy would be a huge incentive for these companies to explore this new form of mass renewable energy.”
Moritz continued, “Besides, I don’t mind paying higher gas prices if it makes Russia pay a heavy price for its aggressive and unprovoked attack to deprive Ukraine of its freedom. What does gas prices matter when it comes to protecting freedom from the forces of evil?”
There are many perspectives on the correct approach to aid Ukrainians and to avoid war with Russia, but everyone can agree that gas prices are causing many to rethink how much and how far they drive.
If you are interested in doing more to make a difference in Ukraine than paying high gas prices, visit Unicef or the IRC (International Rescue Committee) and donate to help aid the 3.5 million Ukrainians fleeing their country with little to nothing.