Senior Activities and Moments

It’s that time of the year again, the end of school is coming up, and for many of us, the end of school altogether. Here at Bingham, this means that there will be plenty of events and activities for seniors to participate in. From dances to Dr. Pepper, there is a large variety for everyone’s different interests.

A lot of the smaller activities happened in senior week.  On monday was Otter Pops, where seniors could beat the heat with a tasty treat.  Tuesday was Senior S’mores & Games, where they could spend the evening with some food and fun. Wednesday was Chalk the Walk, where you could draw some fun designs on the Quad behind school. Lastly, Thursday was the Soda Social, where you could enjoy a variety of drinks to cool off. 

The main event of senior week was the Senior Dinner Dance on Saturday. At Thanksgiving Point, it featured a main course, dessert, and finally, a dance at the end. The dinner consisted of a salad bar, dinner rolls, roasted potatoes, and grilled chicken. Dessert was a rich chocolate brownie. The dance featured popular music and a lively atmosphere. It was a great way to spend the last dance of the year.

Students socializing underneath the chandelier at the 2023 Senior Dinner Dance.
Photo Credit: Lindsay Reynolds

Finally, the last week of school. Tuesday will be yearbook day, where you can get your yearbook and have anyone you want to sign it, and then go get lunch from the food trucks that will be there. Go have your favorite teacher sign it, your friends, or no one at all!  Wednesday will be graduation practice, which is mandatory for those graduating. Last but not least is graduation on Thursday! At Utah Valley University, you get to walk down the stage and say one last goodbye to high school.  

It’s been a great year, with plenty of memorable moments. Bingham High School has been so fun, and I will be sad to see it end.