Utah Weather


Photo by Don LaVange

The Utah weather, notorious for granting its citizens a bite out of all four of the seasons, gave us a good whiplash between spring and winter.

February gave us incredibly warm weather for still, technically, being winter. Utah was gifted with highs in the 60’s, melting the snow off the ground and causing buds of flowers to even start thinking it was spring and poke out from the ground. Hey, I even wore shorts one day. With the snowfall and perpetual chill of January, it’s somewhat surreal to believe how quickly it heated back up. Even going into March we were greeted with warm breezes up into the 70’s. However, despite the good weather, even the end of March was chilly again, going back and forth between sunny and rainy.

According to Bob Mims of the Salt Lake Tribune, we were experiencing record highs back in February for this time of year. The weather always fluctuates in the Spring, in fact, the spring is notorious for its changes in temperatures. The least we can do is be happy that with all the changes in weather and precipitation it helped to keep the valley’s air clean. The Utah Division of Environmental Quality has been maintaining their ‘green’ statues on our air quality, and hopefully, the clean air will continue into the summer.

The weather in Utah is something else, and the Spring weather only increases its craziness. But it’s this kind of quirky weather that is a part of Utah life. Go outside and enjoy it, whether it’s sunny or rainy or cloudy because you never know when the weather will change.