ACT scores aren’t going to stop me from getting into college. I personally think that they shouldn’t because I feel that they just test how much information you can solve in a matter of time. It doesn’t show how much you actually know or how smart a person is. ACT scores range from 1-36 and 17-24 is an average score. Only 26% of test takers get over 24 and that is because they either study for a long period of time or they are just extremely smart or good at taking tests. I think that ACT tests don’t expand our brains and there are things that are on the ACT test that we haven’t learned because we take it before junior year is done.
Most of the time,we know topics that are on the ACT but can’t remember because we learned it two years ago. Some students don’t perform well on timed tests because they don’t work well under pressure. They only use the ACT as a way to know what classes to put you in if you get into the university or college. I think they are stupid because imagine having missed the best and brightest at your school just because you took their ACT scores and they were a poor reflection. I guess you should have people who can work under pressure but the ACT doesn’t always bring out a healthy mind, not very good for your health and healthy minded people bring out the best in the world.
Emma Porter says,”No, I honestly think they really should matter because the stuff on the ACT we haven’t been learning our whole lives. So how are we supposed to know how to use what we have been learning on the test? When we practice for it we hardly do anything to prepare. So to be honest it’s kind of pointless in a way”. So I think this proves my point about the ACT being information that you can’t all learn and contain when we haven’t learned it. Another point to make is that some colleges don’t even require your ACT score anymore to be admitted for college. They only require them for scholarships for certain colleges so I think they should just submit their score if they feel confident it will help them get into college or scholarships but other than that it shouldn’t be required. Kaylee York states,”No, I don’t think ACT scores should matter. I think they should look at the rigor or the hard classes students take instead of ACT scores”. Mary Churchhill who wrote the article “The SAT and ACT Are Less Important Than You Think” says,”standardized tests aren’t that useful for measuring a students potential. Research has repeatedly shown that a student’s GPA is a better predictor of college success when standardized test scores such as the SAT or ACT”. I think this just backs up my point on why the ACT score doesn’t really matter how smart you are because some kids taking the hardest classes don’t get into good colleges because they could have had an off day during the ACT.
I know you can retake but the stress of having to go through all that again is not very good for the mental state.
The kids who also take harder classes tend to be ranked lower than kids who take easier classes because colleges look at GPA after the ACT score and kids with harder classes tend to fail more than regular. They also take easy classes because it’s way easier than AP or Concurrent while the AP and Concurrent kids are struggling just to stay afloat with their grades. I think ACT scores should only be submitted for schools with less than 10% acceptance rate because other than that the school will probably accept you no matter the ACT score. I don’t think ACT scores should matter for school acceptance and should only be counted when you actually commit to the school so it helps them put you in classes that are to your level.