Boys Baseball


Home run. Hotdogs. Bats. Diamonds. The boys baseball team have won at their games and their high school experience.

They began practices the beginning of January, and the games began the beginning of March. The baseball team practices every day of the week, except for Sunday. The practices are three to four hours long each. Even though the practices are long and almost everyday, the boys are happy to show up and work their hardest.

Luke Orullian, a sophomore on the baseball team, and Max Tolley, a senior on the baseball team, both enjoy spending their time on the baseball diamond. Tolley says that baseball doesn’t affect his school work, personally. Orullian says, “Our coach always emphasize that grades come first.” Orullian also says the hardest part of baseball is, “When you’ve worked as hard as you can, but you still fall a little short of your goal.” Orullian said that the consistency of practicing every day gets a little hard, but it’s always worth it in the end.

The baseball team gives it all they have in every game. Orullian and Tolley both started playing baseball at the age of four. Orullian joined a super league at the age of eleven, and Tolley joined the super league at the age of thirteen.

The baseball team has a strong connection this year. Tolley loves the team culture and how close they are. Orullian’s favorite part of being on the team is the brotherhood that he feels with the other players. They both agree that the team gets along very well this year and they love it.

Orullian and Tolley both described the team as a brotherhood, and they enjoy being a part of the team. The Bingham baseball team is a great representation of the friendships  and memories we have here at Bingham.