The 2023 Symphony Trip
Guess what! The time has come around again for the symphony to go on their trip! The symphony goes on a trip every year to a different place in the U.S. and this year they are going to different locations in California.
Whenever they go on this trip not only is it fun, it’s educational. They do small performances and clinics where they play in front of an audience and learn new skills. Going on this trip builds camaraderie. This trip has gone on for 19 years, so pretty much the same amount of time as the symphony director, Dr. Thompson, has been teaching at Bingham.
As you probably know, trips are expensive, so that means they have to raise money. The amount they have to raise is $800 per participant, and if you sign up they hold you to that. They sell different products to raise money. Last year they sold cookie dough. To get money they can ask the student body, but they also often ask family and neighbors.
Some other important information is that they leave April 6th and are there for four days, coming back on the 9th. If you have any more questions you can ask the symphony director, Dr. Thompson.
Harlie, the symphony social media officer, stated, “Last year was fun. We took lots of pictures and had lots of fun. We went to different places under the guidance of Dr. Thompson. We all enjoyed ourselves and learned new skills. I am so excited to do it again with my friend in the symphony.”