Matt jumped back, startled. “Help me,” Matt’s dad screamed. Matt’s dog, Scruffles, growled at the ground. “No…” Matt whispered as he picked up Scruffles and started running home. But suddenly, he heard something running after him. Matt increased his pace, and eventually, the footsteps pursuing him stopped. Matt made it home and instantly ran to his room to reflect on what had happened. “This isn’t real. This isn’t real. This isn’t real,” Matt pleaded, “He’s dead. This is a dream. It has to be. I’m dreaming.” Matt didn’t leave his room for the rest of the night, not even for dinner. The next day, after school, Matt decided to visit the graveyard again. The ground where his dad was buried looked untouched. “It was a dream,” Matt, relieved, whispered to himself. Scruffles, on the other hand, growled at the ground, but Matt brushed it off. Almost everything was normal, but Matt couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being watched the whole way home. The next day, Matt was home alone and there was a knock on the door. When Matt answered, his dad stood there, but half his face looked like it had been eaten. Matt froze. His dad slowly smiled, but something seemed off about his expression. Matt slammed and locked the door and ran into his room. Matt thought he was safe, but he heard a knock on his window and his dad was there with a big smile on his face, or what was left, but weirdly, his eyes never moved. Matt quickly closed his curtains, but he could still see the shadow of his dad through the curtains. The shadow disappeared, and Matt heard someone walking up the stairs towards his room. Matt hid in the corner of the room and he heard his door knob start turning. “I don’t think it was a dream,” Matt whispered.
The Undead: Part 2
Carter Carling, News Editor
January 12, 2024

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Carter Carling, Staff Writer