Open Letter to Chronically Happy People

An open letter to chronically happy people—

Get help. Just kidding. Actually, I’m serious. If you insist on treating 7 a.m. in the lunchroom
like an 8 p.m. slumber party, I will punch you in the throat. Happy people aren’t inherently
infuriating. I even consider myself a relatively happy person…generally. However, if you find
yourself habitually smiling before 10 a.m. or purposefully seeking out crowds of people before
the sun comes up, this letter is addressed to you.
It’s not you. It’s me. Really. One of my biggest problems with you, my dear grinning friends, is
that you often misunderstand those who express themselves in a less…aggressively positive
manner. Please understand that if I am not practically breaking out into joyful song along with
you, I don’t hate you. I’m not depressed. If I’m not grinning, I’m not angry. I’m not even
unhappy. Not everyone smiles when they are in a good mood. While this may be different than
you, the reason that your many attempts to cheer me up are fruitless is because I don’t, in fact,
need to be cheered up.
Another completely puzzling behavior, my little rays of sunshine, is your stubborn positivity. It
is okay to be sad sometimes. Or mad. Or annoyed. Or upset. Or any other emotion you may be
feeling in the moment.  When you are incessantly happy in downer situations, I—as well as my
fellow frown-friendly humans—can’t relate to you. When you smile your annoyance away, we
don’t understand (and we would like to). If you are having a bad day, then by all means, do not
feel the need to act like you just won the Powerball. Really. It’s fine.
All in all, it’s okay if you aren’t happy all the time.


Meg Peterson