Don’t Let Your Summer Get Away
Photo by Joe Valtierra
Summer is on its way, no matter how much the teachers try to pretend it’s not. The sun that leaks into our airtight building and the birds singing to us on our way inside all call us away from our textbooks. The end of the school year is always the same but every year we will wait as anxiously for the last bell of the year as Troy Bolton and as his East High Wildcats did in High School Musical 2.
Unlike the movies, summer isn’t always as enchanted as we picture. All of us can remember those lazy but satisfying weeks spent inside on a couch or a bed. Every summer is plagued with the times of laying around the house wanting to do something, but never knowing what to do. This is extra agonizing for the seniors because this is their last summer as a kid. Never fear. With some help from the Cosmopolitan magazine, there is a list of easy-to-accomplish summer goals that will let you look back on the summer of 2018 with fondness.
Do something that makes you feel alive. If you love going fast, rent some four-wheelers and take on the off roads. Jump off the high dive at your local pool. Ride a roller coaster and scream your lungs out. Lay out a blanket, bring a star chart, and map out stars. Run as fast as you can. It can be something simple, but something that brings new meaning to your life. Do something that gets your adrenaline pumping and makes you appreciate being able to be in the world.
Do something that makes you feel in love. The best stories always have a little romance, so why not your summer? Ask out that one person that caught your eye this year and go on summer dates, like hiking or swimming. Take that special someone to a drive-in movie with lots of blankets and snacks. Set aside a day to visit all the best pizza places and decide which one is truly the best. As you are following this summer task list, you might meet someone new. A little summer fling never hurt anyone.
Do something that could give you a sunburn. Being outside is scientifically proven to improve your mood, boost your creativity, and rejuvenate your body. It’s important to always use sunscreen but spend some good time outside. Grab an inner tube or at least your swimsuit and take a float down the Provo River. Go on a road trip to St. George and investigate the magma tubes. Take your dog or a friend’s dog on a walk to somewhere you’ve never been before. Trust me, they aren’t kidding when they say that a dog is man’s best friend. Utah is known worldwide for its amazing natural adventures. Look online a little bit and you’ll be able to find somewhere within a few hours drive that you’ll be glad to have explored.
Do something that scares you. Facing a fear is a memory you’ll have forever. Scared of spiders? Head down the Hogle Zoo and get up close and personal with some of their creepy crawlies. Adventure Zipline in Provo offers some up-high obstacle courses that are not for the faint of heart. Challenge yourself to overcome something that has held you back.
Do something kind. Look for a service opportunity this summer. Whether it’s cleaning the park or doing an extra chore at home, make the world around you a better place. Serving can consist of time, money, or talents. Share a talent with someone who needs it. Make an effort to reach out to an old friend or loved one. Give of yourself freely. A personal favorite of mine is using sidewalk chalk to draw positive messages and pictures all over the sidewalks.
If you’re still looking for some local activities, make sure to get on the official South Jordan website and look at their upcoming events. They have many different adventures to undertake and most of them are free. You don’t have to travel far away to have a good time.
No matter what you like to do over the summer, following this simple To-Do list will make your break worthwhile. While you’re doing all that relaxing, be sure to make memories. You’ll thank me later. Have a good summer Bingham Miners!

Emma Jones is a senior at Bingham this year. You can find her singing with the Madrigals, performing...