Staying Focused And Getting Homework Done

Witty answer from a student on a test. Photo Credit: Reddit

Witty answer from a student on a test. Photo Credit: Reddit

Staying focused and getting homework done is considerably one of the biggest challenges high school students have to face. This is attributed to the fact that some students prioritize playing sports and conquering after school curricular activities, while other students’ preferences consist of video games in their daily lives.  Furthermore, some students are just indifferent when it comes to homework and need some time to reflect on their work ethic.  So the real question is: who has the time to do homework?  Well the answer is nobody; follow your dreams. Just kidding! Everyone has time to do homework.  I know it seems hard, but the real hard part about doing your homework is not overthinking it. Instead, just do your homework and learn from it.

Bingham High School student James Buie says, “The hardest thing about doing your homework is finding the motivation to do it.”  So how do we stay focused and motivated?  Jacob Mcnees says, “I like to listen to music when I’m doing homework because it helps me focus and stay on task.”  I think these are some great points of view to use.  Personally what keeps me motivated is I like to think about where I will be five years from now on. Which in turn makes me think about what I have to do to continue and drive on.

Funny answers from a student who did not learn from their homework.

Homework is only hard if we choose to make it hard.  I think we need to take into consideration what homework is for and its purpose to remember its intent.  When we do this we will find the time to stay focused and do our homework. 

Helen Keller says, “The highest result of education is tolerance.”  This is significant because it proves that we can do anything if we just put in the time and effort to do our homework now. It will all pay off in the future. I understand that not all students have equal access to technology at home. However, this is where tolerance plays its role, because the strongest students have tolerance, even if it means they have to borrow a chromebook from the school and go use their friend’s wifi to do their homework.  Anything is possible with tolerance.

So, in conclusion: the next time you’re doing your homework, just remember to stay focused by plugging in your earpods and listening to music.  And try to remember what motivates you to do your homework.