For several years now after summer break Bingham High students have walked into school on the first day to the sounds of construction equipment and restricted areas for construction workers. This has been the case for the classes of 2020 – 2024 for all three years of high school.
Will it ever stop you might ask and the answer is yes and no? Mr. Nuttall the wood teacher says “As far as I know, this is the last major phase of the Bingham High School remodel.” If you’ve lost track of Bingham’s renovations through the years here is a quick recap of what has happened. Phase 1 (2018) Band and Orchestra rooms (Fine Arts area). Phase 2 (2019) Math and Biology areas on the first floor. Phase 3 (2020) Vocational Wing. Phase 4 (2021) Upstares Classrooms. Phase 5 (2022) Front offices, counselors, library/media, and the art classrooms. Now there’s this year’s Phase 6 renovating the lunch room, child care, dance, weights room, wrestling room, and gym. But there most likely will be a 7th phase according to Mr. Nuttall and he states “Going forward, they will be working on little things to wrap up the construction project as a whole. Things were overlooked, missed or not within budget. The next “phase” is buttoning up the project as a whole.”

With all the improvements they have made have given the school a much more modern feel. However, considering the age of the building, was it worth it for the extent to which Bingham was renovated and worth the expense? It’s a hard conclusion but I’m sure it going to last for years. As Mr. Nuttall puts it “It’s putting Lipstick on a pig”. He’s right if you think about it, what has been improved on the functionality side of things? Most of the renovations have been done to give the school a more modern feel however the only thing I can recall that was a legitimate improvement is the roof improvements this year. I think the roof was not an option to skip this year. All the excess material from the old roof material was not looking too good and the old skylight windows.
So in conclusion it seems that future Bingham High School be able to enjoy the new revision of the school and let’s just hope it ends here.