What’s in The Library?
Can you guys believe that the library is now open? A lot of people, including myself, have been waiting for this for a long time! The school is so excited to have the library open for all our bookworm dreams. But don’t worry even if you don’t like reading books, you’re always welcome to hang out and talk with the librarians! They have some fun games for you to enjoy like Connect 4 and Giant Chess. Even for those who like to take it easy, there’s a puzzle there waiting for you to complete.
I interviewed Mrs.Quist, the head librarian here at Bingham, if it was hard being a librarian. She responded with “I don’t think it’s hard, there were unexpected challenges but other than that it isn’t hard.”
She does a lot of daily work, but her favorite thing to do is talk with the students. She used to be the Newspaper and an English teacher here at Bingham before becoming the librarian. She said, “Being a librarian is a great change for me.” Though she liked her previous jobs, she loves being a librarian too. Another question I asked Mrs. Quist if she liked students passing through for passing periods. she said it was fine as long as you don’t be disruptive.

There is a competition going on called the annual house cup. What’s the house cup? The annual house cup is a competition. Who’s competing? The staff and the grades but each grade is a different team. What do you do in the house cup? Well, all you have to do is read! When you read a book a gem gets added to your team. Who can participate? Anyone can, it’s between each grade and the faculty. How do the librarians know you want to participate? Well either they ask you if you want to participate when you check out a book or you ask them if you want to participate. Is there a tracking sheet? Yes, you will get a card that has a tracking sheet on it but make sure not to lose it. How do you earn gems? If you have a card and are participating when you finish your book and check your book back in you fill out part of your tracking card and you get to drop a gem into your cup vase. How do you win? By reading the most books. When does it start? It has already started so go on down to get your first book and card. How long does this last? Jan. 27 is when it ends.
I had done a poll on the Prospectors Instagram with the help of our Social Media and Publicity Manager Syd if you would watch a movie or read a book
The poll answers are in… 69% said movies, 31% said books.