Short and Tall
Photo by Carly Christensen
Braden Broadbent and Brandon Morley display the great differences in their heights.
Short: Braden Broadbent
Short-stuff, fun-size, and shrimp are all words that have effects on sophomore Braden Broadbent. Though he stands at about five feet tall, Braden is perfectly at ease with his height. Braden differs from stereotypes of short people like ‘Smalls’ from The Sandlot because he is outgoing, athletic, and describes himself as having no problem with the ladies.
This year, Braden made the sophomore team for Bingham’s Boys Lacrosse, playing the position of middie and sometimes attack. His height does play a factor though.
“Being small brings speed with it,” said Braden. “I’m quick and it definitely helps with sprints.”
However, as with any aspect of life, there are pros and cons. Whether it’s being the oldest child or the youngest, the tallest or the shortest, Braden makes the best of it.
“I get a lot of attention,” said Braden. “It actually helps you stand out in a good way.” However, Braden did express some frustration about other things associated with his height. He said his height hampers his ability to play sports like basketball and football, but countered this disappointment with a smile and said, “I still play anyway.”
Braden said that his current height is mainly a factor of genetics.
“My mom’s 5’2” and my dad’s 5’10”,” he said. “I don’t really get made fun of though.” With Braden’s personality, it’s no surprise. His humble confidence is unique.
“Yes, I do have to sit on a phonebook in some cars,” Braden admits, but he seems perfectly at ease with the height he’s been given.
Tall: Brandon Morley
An important factor in basketball is height. The average NBA player is over 6 feet tall, so most people would consider 7 foot Bingham senior Brandon Morley tall.
Brandon Morley has been tall his whole life, compared to those his age. He is currently the tallest student at Bingham High School. Although he is unusually tall, Brandon gets his height from his parents, like most people.
While Brandon comes from a tall family, he still stands out at home. Brandon is the tallest person in his family, having 3 shorter brothers and 2 shorter sisters.
There are many advantages with being tall. Besides being able to reach things on high shelves and see over crowded halls Brandon uses his height as an advantage in basketball. He just finished his season as center for the varsity boys basketball team.
“It’s easier to play,” said Brandon. “I can just shoot over people.”
Not only does Brandon play basketball, but he is also a member of Bingham’s baseball team.
Although sports come easy for Brandon, being tall is not as great as it might look.
“I have a hard time finding clothes that fit,” said Brandon.
Although there are some hard things about being 7 feet tall, Brandon makes the most of it and enjoys being the tallest kid at Bingham.
The world record for the tallest man is 8 feet and 3 inches, set by Sultan Kösen in 2009. Brandon is just over a foot away from breaking his world record.