The Last Three Years
Photo by Darla Bess
Jaiden Gunn
Dear Bingham,
I guess the time has finally come. It seems so surreal that after 12 years of going to school, it’s finally coming to an end. It doesn’t seem real that I won’t be coming back next year. They say time flies when you’re having fun, and I guess it’s true. My senior year has been the best of the three years I’ve been here. And despite not getting many normal events due to COVID-19, I consider myself lucky to even go to school in person instead of doing online school.

Looking back, I remember my first football game that I had ever gone to. It was the first one of the season my sophomore year, and I crammed into the student section
with my friends to watch the game. It seemed crazy to me. I couldn’t believe that I was old enough to be in high school with all the older kids. It was so cool to see the student body come together like that, every Friday night. Even at the game where the lights went out, everyone shined their light so we could see the field a little until they came back on.
I also remember going to all the dances with friends, even if I didn’t have a date. Dancing until late at night and hanging out with everyone until 2 a.m. is still one of my favorite memories.

I was never really great at making friends, but high school has been the place where I have found the best of friends. They have made high school fun, even when it sucked at times. Even the people I don’t know very well and just talk to in class have made my life better. It’s strange knowing I may never see some of these people again, but I’m making the most out of my final days here.
If I had to give any advice to the future classes at Bingham, I would say don’t have any regrets about high school. Don’t look back on the memories and wish you could have done more. Just do it now. Make friends with anyone and everyone. Go to dances, even if you don’t have a date. Just live your life. Just because you have more responsibilities doesn’t mean you aren’t still a kid. You’re allowed to have fun and set time away from this crazy thing called life.
I’m not sure what my future holds, honestly. All I wanted to do when I was younger was grow up, and now I’m not sure I want to anymore. I wish I could hold on to the past, but time still passes way too fast.
Finally, to all my teachers and friends: thank you for making my life so great. All the work you have done and all the memories we’ve shared have truly impacted me for the better. And despite me being a semi-crappy student at times, I really do appreciate everything I’ve learned, even if I didn’t at the moment.
Here’s to the class of 2021. May we always remember where we started. I hope it only goes up from here.
Jaiden Gunn
Marching band • May 26, 2021 at 8:08 pm
Put more of a spot light on the swim team and marching bands….. The swim team placed 1st at regions and the marching band teacher made the song for this season and its doing a world day veiw soon talk about these subjects more please thank you
Mackenzie Coburn • May 25, 2021 at 3:04 pm
Loved reading your letter, Jaiden! It has been absolute pleasure to be your counselor and I’ve enjoyed getting to know you these last couple of years. I wish you all the best on your next adventure.
Here’s to NO REGRETS!
– Ms. Coburn, your BHS counselor
Art Erickson - Asst. Principal BHS • May 24, 2021 at 10:14 am
Things will go up for you, especially with the good perspective you have. Enjoyed reading your comments. HS is a crazy ride at times. The activities, events and friends do make all the difference as the pandemic has shown all of us. High school with out those leaves everyone empty. I agree with – “No regrets.” Don’t look back and ask “what if” about how you did things. Take a chance and see what happens. Trust me it can make all the difference.
Thanks for sharing your experience.
Art Erickson
Asst. Principal