Auf Wiedersehen, Thanks for the Memories
Photo by Mandy Jenkins
Celebrating one of my articles.
Seniors! It’s been three years since we officially started our high school experience. They have been wild years that we will (hopefully) never forget. I didn’t think I was ready to say goodbye. Now graduation is just around the corner, and I’ve started counting down the days.
We may have lost some time thanks to the pandemic, but we survived. COVID-19 couldn’t even stop us from having an amazing senior year. We got to have a prom, an assassins game, and an in-person graduation. We spent most of this year in school with our friends with minor hiccups along the way.
Speaking of being with friends, I know that as graduation creeps closer, the hardest thing for me to do when I receive my diploma is to go my own way without them. I have friends going on missions and to other colleges. It’s the weirdest thing that I won’t be doing any of that with them. We spend so much time with our friends in high school then that time slowly gets smaller. That doesn’t mean we forget all those fun memories we have. Memories like that one football game where you and your friends painted your faces and screamed so loud that you lost your voices. High school has brought me some great memories like that with all of my friends.
While high school, in general, has helped me make friends and memories, one class has especially helped in this. I have been in Newspaper for my whole time at Bingham. Every year I make more and more friends. Leaving this class and finishing off my last issue as Editor-In-Chief has been more challenging than I expected. Three years of hard work is coming to an end.
On graduation day, remember this. We earned this. We made all those memories, friends, and mistakes. No matter what might be hard to leave behind right now will be worth it as we go out and do awesome things.
Thanks Bingham,
Mandy Jenkins
Mackenzie Coburn • May 25, 2021 at 3:14 pm
Well said, Mandy! I loved reading about your experience and 100% agree – you earned it! Congrats on graduation and best of luck on your next adventure!
– Ms. Coburn (your BHS counselor)