Teacher Spotlight: Kyle Harrison

Photo by Bingham High School
Here at Bingham, we have a team of amazing teachers dedicated to bringing the best education to their students. This series spotlights outstanding teachers and their effect on the school. This Teacher Spotlight highlights Kyle Harrison.
At Bingham High School, we have an outstanding teacher named Kyle Harrison. He has worked here for almost two years now, teaching event planning, sports marketing, real estate, and business office management, and he’s already made his mark.
Harrison does an excellent job getting to know every single one of his students. In the words of Bingham student Kenzie Harris, “Harrison made me feel welcomed in his class and I knew I could be myself without being judged.” He does a great job including every student that walks in his door. Many people that take his classes don’t just take one- they end up taking multiple. Students feel like they can talk to him about anything: stuff related to school or even life advice. Another student, Preston Jacobson, states, “He always welcomed people and always asked how I was doing and was very nice to me. I could talk to him about anything.”
In Harrion’s glory days, he went to Bingham High School and played on the basketball team as a shooting guard. He loved the sport and it taught him many valuable lessons that he applies to his life right now. Harrison loved his friends and went to Hawaii with all of them for his senior trip, making many memories that he will never forget. He was sad to say goodbye when that chapter in his life was over. He served an LDS mission in Ohio once he graduated high school. After he came home, he went to college, starting at SLC, then BYU, and then ending up at UVU to get his MBA.
When Harrison was little, he always dreamed of being an ophthalmologist, but life had different plans for him. Before he started working as a teacher, he worked in real estate and construction until 2017, when he started applying for teaching jobs. He finally got the job in 2021. He was super excited and couldn’t wait for what was ahead of him. Harrison’s favorite part about teaching is being with the kids. He loves the atmosphere that they bring into the classroom, and their daily antics always bring a smile to his face. Student Nash Brown says, “I love being in Harrison’s class because he does fun things in class and keeps us engaged.” He does an excellent job teaching, and students even take his teaching into their own lifes. In an interview with Bingham student Sara Stevens, she was asked what she has learned from Harrison. Her response was, “When I took his event planning class, he told us to plan a senior trip, and over the summer, me and my friends actually did it. He taught me how to plan an event with all the steps that go into it.”
He has three siblings and all are brothers. He’s very close with them and they were some of his best friends growing up. During childhood, he was a good student as well as a good kid. He rarely got in trouble with his teachers or parents. Thailand is his dream destination and hopes one day he will be able to visit. If he could have a dream car, it would be a Tesla. One of his favorite parts of the day is when he goes home and his daughter is waiting to give him a hug. Finally, Harrison’s one advice for his students before they leave high school is, “The things you do now will affect you one way or another in the future.”
Needless to say, his classes are very memorable for his students. Bingham student Spencer Johansen’s favorite part about his class and favorite memories were, “Mr. Harrison and Mr. Harrison.” Fellow student London Peterson says, “Harrison is a dawg and he’s way funny, and we always talk to each other.”
Harrison has made a huge impact on his students lives and will continue to make more.