Preparing for College

College can be scary, no doubt about it. It’s really scary when you’re not prepared for it

and all suddenly you have responsibilities, work, and career options. Take deep breaths, it’s not

all bad once you can make a plan and know what your options are and why they are, or may not

be valid.

The biggest worry it seems these days when it comes to college is money, and for good

reasons too. Talk to your parents about whether they have saved money for you; if not follow

these easy ways to saving. It’s never too early to start, even the smallest of pocket change. A

smart and secure way to save up money is to get a part-time job. There are many options for

jobs, you just have to look. Once you have a job, look for ways to get a promotion, it will

definitely benefit you. Also making small decisions can help: skip that brownie you buy

everyday, pass the vending machines and save up. Remember that not only do you have to pay

for college, but also books, food and rent.

Another wonderful way to afford college is by applying to scholarships that apply to you.

There are thousands of scholarships for one person. There is a scholarship if your name is Zolp,

if you have worked at Wal-Mart for six months, if you’re a vegetarian, and if you are over six feet

tall. There are many opportunities for scholarships for you.

Also take advantage of pre-tests for the ACT and SAT, the higher your score, the more

opportunities you have for colleges. The ACT and SAT are important for the future, because the

score you receive decides what colleges are available to you. Some employers may require

your SAT’s and/or your ACT’s as well. Preparing for these tests can be expensive, but once you

have passed the test and are accepted into a college, the money you spent prepping for the

finals will triple. In the article ‘3 Reasons Your Student’s Test Scores Are Important’ By Lauren

Berrett, “Merit-based financial aid and many scholarships are based in large part upon a

student’s SAT or ACT score. The money that you spend on test prep can be returned to you

eight-fold or ten-fold through financial aid and scholarships.”

It helps you to know the options for everything; college applications, scholarships, career

options, what you’re strong at and the academic requirements. If you are struggling which

college is best for you, do research on each college and see what is best for you.

Decide whether if you live with friends, on your own, in a dorm, or with your parents (no

judgment), make a plan.  There is no such thing as too much research. If you do decide to live

with friends or by yourself, know how to take care of yourself. Don’t live off of T.V. dinners and

Ramen; it gets old after awhile. It never hurts to learn how to cook, even small meals. There are

so many easy to make recipes that any college student can afford. Also there are meals that

you can pay for from the university that the people who work in the lunchroom make for you.

You pay a week’s worth of food, and for a week you get three meals a day. There are also living

expenses, which can be expensive at times. Set up a plan of how you will afford it each time the

bill comes. And if you live with others, divide the bill as evenly as possible. Learn how to

become independent when it comes to money, find a good paying job, spend money on needs

instead of wants.

Yes, college can be very scary and frustrating, but once you find all the weak spots and

make a plan that you can follow throughout your education, you can conquer the whole ordeal.

Remember to have fun too, college is a once in a lifetime chance, don’t regret it.